Spanish Fun Facts

Did you know there are two ways to say “Spanish language” in Spanish? They are español or castellano. One ...

Spanish Fun Facts

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Before talking about pretérito anterior, there is something that I need to talk about this tense. Although it seems t ...

Spanish Fun Facts

As you might probably know, most of the adjectives in Spanish become an adverb if “mente” is added at the ...

Spanish Fun Facts

One of its unique characteristics about the Spanish language is that they have so many different words that they use ...

Spanish Fun Facts

Did you know there is a non-Spanish-language that derived from Old Spanish?

Old Spanish was spoken between the ...

Spanish Fun Facts

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A creole language is basically a mix of different languages that contacted, and it is considered a language since the ...

Spanish Fun Facts

As you already know, there are indirect (IO) and direct object pronouns (DO), and we know when to use which by seeing ...

Spanish Fun Facts

I think there are a lot of people thinking direct and indirect object pronouns are confusing because they look simila ...

Spanish Fun Facts


Have you ever thought why there are some masculine nouns that have -a at the end? They are really confus ...

Spanish Fun Facts

Have you ever wondered why mil is very much like millón in Spanish? 10 or 100 have completely different words but sud ...